Fundraisers: Pop Culture Ideas

Putting a pop culture spin on your fundraising efforts is a great way to reach a wider audience, not to mention increase donations. By linking a fundraising event to a popular movie, book, or TV show, you not only stir the interest of would-be supporters but also get to convert new donors. So, how do you start a pop culture strategy? These successful campaigns can give you an idea.

The Harry Potter Alliance Motivates Wannabe Wizards to Give Back

The Harry Potter Alliance draws on the book series’ fans to raise funds in support of human rights, literacy, and equality. The group’s campaigns are often associated with the books and movies.

The American Cancer Society Reaches for the Stars

The American Cancer Society (ACS) successfully ran a ‘Happy Birthday’ campaign where they created birthday wish videos to stars such as Justin Bieber. The video for Bieber, in particular, was able to rake in over 500,000 views. According to the organization, their efforts were designed to get the attention of teenagers, who in turn get the attention of their parents, the org’s target demographic.

The Trevor Project Took Its Inspiration from a Film

1994 saw the release of an award-winning short film called Trevor. The film was about a gay teen who wanted to take his own life. Not long after, the filmmakers sought to create an organization that offers help and support to teens like the film’s main protagonist.

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